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Sperimenta con i tuoi sensi, prova la tua sensibilità e scopri a che temperatura il desiderio diventa ardente e si risveglia la passione.



Paint it onto the irresistible areas of your body and surrender to his desires. Caress, kiss, savor... bite!

Experiment with your senses, test your sensitivity and find out at what temperature desire becomes ardent and passion is aroused.

2 x 13 ml 


SKU: 0128

    © 2017 by CDC. s.r.l. (Viola Murmure) - Strada Valenza, 4/O - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) - P.IVA: 02529820066 - REA n. T 233537830 - 

    Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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