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Può una spugnetta a forma di cuore rivelarsi il miglior assorbente che abbiate mai provato? Certamente. La spugna assorbirà il flusso senza fuoriuscite ed inconvenienti e può essere tenuta indosso anche in acqua o, udite udite, durante il rapporto sessuale. Se la vostra paura è che si perda nei meandri della vagina senza che riusciate poi a recuperarla, non temete: la spugnetta si allargherà una volta inserita aderendo perfettamente alle pareti vaginali. Non c’è bisogno di fissarla troppo in alto, trattatela come fosse un normale tampone, all’occorrenza potrete sfilarla con l’aiuto di sole due dita. Se avete un flusso troppo abbondante, ricordatevi di cambiare Soft Tampons ogni 2 ore. Soft Tampons Normal sono perfetti per le donne sopra i trent’anni e per chi ha già avuto gravidanze. Addio agli assorbenti scomodi e antiestetici, con Soft Tampons l’intimità femminile diventa finalmente inodore e senza fili!



For the sauna, for sport, for swimming, and for love.

The Original Soft-Tampons are ideal for those special moments in life. For example, they almost cannot be felt by either partner during lovemaking, and are also extremely convenient to use. Thanks to the handy pull tab, the Soft-Tampon is easy to insert and remove -with just one finger! With the Original Soft-Tampons, optimal hygienic safety always comes first. Through permanent dermatological and clinical testing, these well-established and individually packaged tampons have now achieved perfection. They are made of environmentally friendly, non-toxic sponge material and contain no chemical substances whatsoever, so eliminating the possibility of internal irritation. They are very comfortable and pleasant to wear. They are characterised by their soft and supple material and their light weight of only 2 grams per tampon. Soft-Tampons - the successful combination of safety, hygiene, wellbeing, and fun: ideal even for very heavy menstrual flow.


The many advantages of Soft-Tampons:

• ideal for use with spermicides

• adapts perfectly to the female anatomy

• comfortable and pleasant to wear

• suitable for use in saunas and when swimming

• hygienic and Skin-friendly material

• dermatologically and clinically tested

• very simple to use

• Oeko-Tex proved


• cannot be felt by the partner during lovemaking almost

• environmentally friendly and free from chemical substances

• each box includes a single-use pack of AQUAglide and a menstrual cycle calendar


SKU: 310000091463

    © 2017 by CDC. s.r.l. (Viola Murmure) - Strada Valenza, 4/O - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) - P.IVA: 02529820066 - REA n. T 233537830 - 

    Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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    Benessere sessuale, consulenti, sex toys, cosmetica erotica, salute sessuale, coppetta mestruale, palline geisha, assorbenti riutilizzab, Viola Murmure

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